
Quotes, Messages, Symbols

Motivational phrases to copy and paste

Beautiful and short motivational phrases of love, for students, decorated with symbols, dividers, borders to copy and paste on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.

Beautiful friendship phrases to copy and paste

In this space you will find very nice phrases of friendship to copy and paste, to dedicate to true friends, but also to false friends, some with decorations, symbols, pretty letters.

Love messages with emojis

Now we have some decorations for lovers, they are messages of love with some emojis and symbols to copy and paste, which can be used on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Tik tok and others.

Kawaii emojis with symbols copy and paste


With pretty symbols, ascii characters and letters of the alphabet we can make very cute faces, the well-known kawaii emojis, in this part we have some examples of happy, sad, animal expressions, some golden texts.

Letter converter with hearts and symbols of love

Converter of very beautiful aesthetic letters decorated with hearts and other interesting symbols to obtain text designs and romantic love messages to copy and paste..

Symbols, emojis